Next Steps

Connection Class

In this class you will learn how to connect to God by connecting to Bandera Methodist Church. You will discover your purpose and some of the ways that God has gifted you to serve and make a difference. You will learn of the different opportunities to lock arms with other Christians and make the greatest impact on our community, country, and world.

Serve Team

Join a team to serve Jesus through serving others. We want you to be a member of the body of Christ and commit to serve as part of the family of God. Whether you intend on taking the next step to church membership or not, we consider you part of our church family and you are always welcome to connect and serve with us to make a difference.

Infant Baptism or Dedication Ceremony

Celebrate the blessings of the new covenant extended to our children. This sacred covenant is for your children and their descendants. A special infant baptism or baby dedication ceremony can be planned during a regular church service in honor of your child. During this time, parents will reaffirm their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ and pledge to raise their child in the Christian faith.


Baptism is a profound initiation practiced in our Christian tradition. Symbolizing spiritual cleansing and rebirth, it marks the entry of a believer into the Christian faith. Through the sacrament of water, baptism signifies the washing away of sin, the death of the old self, and the resurrection into a new life in Christ. This sacrament will be performed through immersion (Unless pouring, or sprinkling is a better option for health concerns). This sacrament embodies the grace of God and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is significant as both a personal and communal affirmation of faith.


Confirmation is a significant step in your spiritual journey, marking your affirmation of faith and commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our program is designed to provide a deep understanding of Methodist beliefs, scripture, and traditions, helping you to grow in your faith and relationship with God. We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us. Whether you are new to the faith or have been part of our church community for years, confirmation is an opportunity to renew your commitment and deepen your understanding of God’s love.

Church Membership

Becoming a member of the Methodist Church is a meaningful decision that signifies your commitment to your faith and to our church community. Membership involves more than just attending services; it is an invitation to participate actively in the life and mission of the church. As a member, you will have the opportunity to take an active role in the established systems of our church organization by adding your gifting to our fellowship of Christian believers.

Fresh Start

Fresh Start is our new believers class at our church! This class is designed to help you embark on your spiritual journey with confidence and support. Whether you’re new to the faith or seeking to deepen your understanding, Fresh Start offers a welcoming environment where you can explore the foundations of Christianity, ask questions, and grow in your relationship with God. Join us as we come together to learn, share, and experience the transformative power of faith in Jesus Christ.

Join a Life Group

Are you looking for deeper connections and a sense of belonging within our church community? Joining one of our Life Groups might be just what you need! Life Groups are small groups that offer a welcoming environment where you can grow in faith, share life’s joys and challenges, and build lasting friendships. Each group is designed to be a safe space for discussion, prayer, and spiritual growth. Led by caring and experienced leaders, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the Bible, ask questions, and strengthen your relationship with God and others.

To learn more about any of the above steps, please contact the Church Office.