
Giving cheerfully, sacrificially, and consistently is a part of our worship. When we are generous with others, we remind one another of the great generosity of our God.

The Bandera Methodist Church budget is divided into several broad categories. You may give to the general operating fund or designate your gift to one or more of the specific categories.

The Operating Budget funds the normal operation of the church. It pays the staff, keeps the lights on, and funds our missions, ministries, and outreach. You may make a continuing pledge or a one-time gift to this budget.

You may designate your offering to the Building for the Ages Fund to help pay off the loan incurred for this investment in our future.

Many of our missions, ministries, and outreach programs are funded wholly or in part by Dedicated Offerings given for that purpose. A few examples are SnacPac4Kids, Vacation Bible School, and the Scholarship Fund. You may designated your offering to specifically support one or more of these programs.

The Bandera Methodist Church Permanent Endowment Fund was created to manage donated funds, trusts, bequests, and gifts to assist the church in its mission of making disciples for Christ.

Gifts may be placed in the Offering Plate on Sunday, or mailed or given to the Church Office. You may also make a secure online recurring or one-time contribution using the link below.

Thank you for your generosity.