Adult Small Groups

Sunday Mornings

Several adult small groups meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am, between our two worship services. Just show up at the classroom, or contact the church office for more information.

Come and See Class

The Come and See Class, led by Don Giles, meets in Room 103. It is video based, covering a wide range of biblical topics. Plenty of discussion makes this group very comfortable with no pressure.

Foundation Class

Led by Conrad & Nancy Nightingale, the Foundation Class meets in Room 104. Their Bible-structured studies allow participants to enjoy deep discussion and growth.

Life to the Full Class

Meeting in Room 209 is the Life to the Full Class, a Prayer Life challenge led by Angie & Kirk Freeman. Class members are mostly parents with kids at home.

Harmony Class

Sharon Anderwald has specially structured the Harmony Class for participation by Chancel Choir members. A shorter time frame allows them to complete a devotional and discussion without being late to the choir’s warm-up before the Traditional Worship Service at 11:00 am.

Adelante Class

Room 213 is home to the Adelante Class, led by Sully Woodland & Bruce Duncan. Their class is “Aged to Perfection” as they take you book by book through the Bible.

Weekday Groups

Periodically there are small groups that meet during the week, often for a short-term Bible Study or special activity. To find out what groups are currently meeting, please contact the church office.